The Husk

The Husk

What the shuck is happening?

According to a survey sent out last month, some of UNL's faculty feels the university had a poorly thought out COVID-19 testing policy compared to other universities. The results also showed that even though faculty respondents appreciate that a plan exists in general, they have mixed feelings about their ability to implement the plan and feel even more uneasy about their ability to ensure their own and students’ safety.

Tyler Berger, a former Husker wrestler and current Nebraska assistant coach, has been battling COVID-19 fears every time he steps on to the mat. Read about he overcomes those concerns and continues to wrestle.

"Manson’s iconic voice is on display as he beckons to the audience with a spoken word poem that defines the subject matter of the project, hatred of political parties, mentions of death and Manson’s framing of himself as a member of the afterlife," Culture reporter Joe Wright writes.

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